Senin, Januari 18, 2010

this condition

Keadaan sekarang sangat kontras jika dibandingkan dengan dulu.
Feeling so blue when the time to bed came…
U know what,,I’m cry..almost every night… Night by night…
Week by week..
Month by month…
And yes,
Year by year…
I just,,,did like that..
I don’t know, why I did that…
Itulah,,ungkapan rasa sayang ke dia,yang semakin hari semakin terasa besar,,sakit,,but I really enjoyed that,,whole of my heart.. 
But now,let see this!

Kamu salah satu penyemangat dns yang paling berpengaruh ma diri dns..
D’ ga sadar itu tapi dns yang ngerasain..
Kamu berarti banget buat dns,makanya dns ga mau kehilangan kamu..

I never think to be his girlfriend,i never want to be his girlfriend before..,and i never ask him for it.’couse that,for me,is impossible..with so many reasons that I can’t explain all of them.
But now I can feel his big love, truth, and hope,,to me.. 

Rahasia Allah,akan selalu jadi misteri,,yang ga dapat diterka siapapun.

Are u think that I’m happy?
Actually,,I’m not (just) happy…
That’s a big joy for me!
Thanks God 

1 komentar:

wibbiono mengatakan...

ada masalah???